Sunday, March 22, 2009

What is Pinesalad Productions?

Welcome to the first Pinesalad Production blog!

If you know who we are, you're probably happy to be here. If you don't, you'll probably wonder why you came. Either way, we make anime re-dubs. some of these relics are being remastered and posted to You Tube. Here are some links to view them:

How Drugs Won the War

Many years before South Park ignored political correctness and made swearing in animation mainstream, a group of Southern California anime fans decided to turn their favorite Robotech characters into pimps, prostitutes, drug abusers and anything else they could think of. The result was How Drugs Won the War, a drug-oriented, profanity-laced parody of Macross characters.

Two sequels followed and soon people were lining up at anime cons to view special screenings of the fan-dubs. The group received a request from a local anime fan club to re-dub a Dirty Pair episode so Pinesalad Productions obliged with Dirty Pair Duz Dishes; and three more sequels. more than 20 years after the first dub session, some of these gems are being remastered with stereo soundtracks and fresh video transfers that look better than the original VHS versions used as masters.

Pinesalad Chronology

Robotech dubs:
  • How Drugs Won the War
  • So Glad You Could Stop By For a Sip of Sherry, Slut
  • You Lying Hussy, I Though You Were a Man!

Dirty Pair dubs:
  • Dirty Pair Duz Dishes
  • Revenge of B.D.
  • Fistful of Pasta
  • Viva La Dirty Pair

1 comment:

  1. There is no sound on the video. Is this some form of censorship, or just a blunder perhaps? Tx.
